Lab Pictures

Miura lab through the years

2023: Yale RNA Center Annual Retreat

image of Yale Retreat

2023: Harvard RNA Biology and Disease Symposium

Visiting former trainee Kevin So in a room full of boxes image of boxes

2023: July lab lunch!

image of cheescake factory lunch

2021: Min’s defense celebration.

image of Min's defense party

2021: Dave’s defense celebration.

image of dave

May 2021: Emerging from the pandemic to celebrate Min’s papers

image of min paper celebration

May 2019: Dscam1 paper acceptance celebration

image of dscam celebration

2018: Last pic together with Hannah, Daphne, Kevin, Matt who all went to off to Northern California

image of old lab

2018: Hannah Gruner defense party!

image of gruner

2017: Ryan Peterson defense party!

image of ryan

2017: UNR Fly club


2016: Winter holiday party
