Welcome to Miura lab

Check out our latest paper in Nature Communications: Coordination of alternative splicing and alternative polyadenylation revealed by targeted long read sequencing

Our group studies the roles and regulation of alternative RNAs in the nervous system.

We are part of the Dept. of Genetics and Genome Sciences at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, CT.

image of research areas

image of isoforms


What do we work on?

The Miura lab studies RNA. How is it made? How are the pieces of mRNAs put together? What are the roles of alternative exons and Untranslated Regions (UTRs) in gene expression?

We use various model systems, including mammalian cells that can differentiate into neurons in culture and the fruit fly– Drosophila melanogaster.

What’s new?

We accept students in the Genetics and Developmental Biology area of concentration. Please contact Dr. Miura if you are interested in a rotating in the lab!